Navegación por listas |
Página de inicio | Página inicial de taxonomía |
Nivel superior | complejo anatómico Corto Todo |
Nivel 2 | articulación anatómica Corto Todo |
Nivel 3 | zona de continuidad Corto Todo |
Nivel actual | anastomosis arterial |
Idioma subsidiaria con latín | |
Idioma principal no latín |
Antepasados |
Ayuda para los colores |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:49443 | |
FMA:5898 | |
FMA:11337 | |
FMA:3726 | |
FMA:3727 | |
FMA:3728 |
anastomosis arterial
Lista taxonómica |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Corto español equivalente
Corto término oficial latino
3728 | 13758 |
anastomosis arterial
anastomosis arteriosa
4121 | part |
red acromial de la toracoacromial
rete acromiale arteriae thoracoacromialis
8762↓ | part |
prominencia subicular; circunvolunción subesplenial
dens subiculi ; gyrus subsplenialis
22838 | 4152 | part |
arco palmar profundo
arcus palmaris profundus
44676 | 4380 | part |
red articular de la rodilla
rete articulare genus
44677 | 4381 | part |
red patelar
rete patellare
296683 | 15657↓ | part |
arco inferior de labios de la boca
arcus labiorum oris inferior
296648 | 15658↓ | part |
arco superior de labios de la boca
arcus labiorum oris superior
7617 | part |
dermis del párpado
dermis palpebrae
59002 | 6984 | part |
circulo vascular del nervio óptico
circulus vasculosus nervi optici
58529 | 6946 | part |
circulo arterial mayor del iris
circulus arteriosus major iridis
58581 | 6947 | part |
(circulo arterial menor del iris )
(circulus arteriosus minor iridis )
12 items
32 entities
Notas cientificas |
Libelle of note
8762 |
The Dentes subiculi (Gyri of Andreas Retzius) were described by Retzius (1896) for the Caudal part of CA1 at the Hippocampal tail; the term Gyri subspleniales (Subsplenial gyri) indicate their position. Deep to the Gyri andreae retzii, two obliquely oriented small gyri are found (Duvernoy 1998; Insausti and Amaral 2012): 1) a medial gyrus: the Fasciola cinerea, which forms the visible part of the Dentate gyrus as descibed by Giacomini (1884) and Klingler (1948); and 2) a lateral gyrus: Gyrus fasciolaris (Fasciolar gyrus), corresponding to the caudal end of the CA3 field.
15657 |
The Arcus labiorum inferior is an arterial anastomosis between both superior labial arteries, located in the musculus orbicularis oris of the lower lip (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
15658 |
The Arcus labiorum superior is an arterial anastomosis between both superior labial arteries, located in the musculus orbicularis oris of the upper lip (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Firma |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 13758 |
Number of children | 31 (validated) |
Number of units | 12 (validated) |
Signature | 16338 (validated since 6.1.2025) |
Fecha: 06.01.2025 |